
Manage Winsock and send Emails with Visual FoxPro.


The origins of the VFPwinsock project :

- The network communication in Microsoft Windows goes through a "socket".
It's the library 'winsock' which is issued by the DLL : 'WS2_32.DLL'.

- The documentation on the Microsoft website is at the following address.

- William GC Steinford and Anatoliy Mogylevets have posted a Visual FoxPro source code of a 'wrapper' methods of WS2_32.DLL on fox.wiki.com and www.news2news.com.

- Since then, several people have implemented the use of winsock to send mail (SMTP) and receiving (POP) or manage news (NNTP) or others download via HTTP and FTP ...

I took the work of the 'wrapper', adapted, adjusted and completed for having a class mail, 100% VFP code, who is managing the various aspects and problems of formatting for sending email.

I posted it, here, in open source.
Since then several people have completed and tested.

Best regards
Francis FAURE

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